Animation on scratch paper (2017)

Cavepeople pet rocks (2015)

Paper sticker, kid drinking (2015)

Bumbear Peeping (2015)

Cat heads for Confetti book cover (2014)

Sexy cat, Watercolour (2014)

Sceance with funny candles, photographs on 35mm film (2014)

Bear on Buttefly, Sketchbook page (2014)

Sculpey flower brooches stacked up (2014)

“Experiment with polymer clay” (2013)

Caterpillar Brooches (2013)

Jiggle, Watercolour & Digital (2009)

Catgems, found images (2009)

Donald Duck Gif (2009)

Cant-Touch-The-Past.gif Gouache, Watercolour and Digital Effect (2009)

Found images and clipart, Dolphuns (2008)

Bubblez.gif, edited found photograph (2008)

Collection of Computer Clipart Graphics (2008)